Dare into Great
Our flagship programme is designed to kickstart your journey to a happier, healthier, less stressful life!
With an holistic focus on the eight lived areas of our framework, you'll be empowered to conquer challenges, embrace your authentic self, unleash your strengths and experience personal growth like never before.
Write your awesome label here.
Continue where you left off
If you haven’t done so already, take our assessment to receive a personalised report which will help you navigate the Dare into Great programme.
If you have already completed your assessment, use your report to help you determine your module order through the programme. If you choose not to navigate the programme using your report simply follow the path from one module to the next as set out below.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Visit our community
Want to chat about your journey to greatness, ask fellow learners a question or participate in an engaging discussion?
Come on over and join us on our community platform. Connect with a global community that understands and supports you with each step you take towards greatness.
Additional Resources
Coaching Support
Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed, wanting clarity, guidance and additional support on your journey? Our team of experienced coaches is here to address your unique needs and provide the insights, motivation, and direction you're looking for.
intogreat Journal
Do you want to feel better, get more done and live the life you want? Our science-backed journal is packed with powerful daily exercises to help you stop standing in your own way and start stepping into your greatness.
Our expert-led workshops offer practical and deep insights, that have the potential to spark instant change.
Frequently asked questions
Who is this course suitable for?
Dare into Great is suitable for anyone seeking personal growth and well-being and is designed to accommodate all levels of experience. It covers eight key areas of your life, offering insights, tools and support to help you conquer challenges, embrace authenticity and achieve significant personal growth. Whether you're a professional, student, parent or simply someone eager to enhance various aspects of your life, this course is designed to empower you to make real changes in your life.
How does this course work?
This course consists of ten modules, each focusing on the core aspects that form the basis for everyone's journey to greatness. You have access to video lessons, resources and exercises to help you integrate what you are learning into your life. Our supportive community and coaches will also help you stay on track. This is a self-paced course, which means you have flexibility over how you progress through the course and at what pace. Our free science-backed assessment provides a guide to help you navigate this course. We understand that everyone's journey is unique and would encourage you to take your time to absorb and apply what you learn.
What support is available?
You'll have access to coaches who can provide you with personalised support and guidance as you navigate your way through this course. Whilst all your learnings and reflections are private, you can reach out to our community for support, discussions and shared insights.
What happens after I complete the course?
You continue your journey to greatness in a way that works for you and your life! This will mean different things to different people - you may choose to take another course, attend one of our workshops, buy a journal, work with a coach, spend time in our community or you may choose to do nothing. The choice is yours because your journey is guided by you.